Christina Tarkoff Oil Paintings

Every Painting Tells A Story

provoking women

Controversial? Provoking?

PortraitsChristina Tarkoff

“Don’t F*** With Me.”

Controversial artwork has been shocking folks for centuries. From Rodin’s “Gates of Hell” to Banksy’s self-destructing art-shredding moment at Sotheby’s.

I like to think my art depicts the story of  “The Art of Being Human.” This week I’m presenting a portrait titled, “Don’t F*** With Me.” The title may be a bit shocking, but honestly, I hope the world gets used to tough, uncompromising women. Really, the world adored James Dean as the teenage rebel way back in the 1950’s. I think it’s about time, the world adores women with the same intrigue.

The moment I saw the muse (Alli Dem/Sktchy App) for this portrait I knew I had to paint this badass woman. 

I hope “Don’t F*** With Me,” provokes you in some way. Let me know!

Charcoal Study

For portraits, I usually make a graphite/charcoal sketch before I make the painting to determine if I can catch the glance, passion, and emotion of my subject. I believe I caught the intensity of my subject in the drawing.

The Charcoal Study is also available for sale!